Further to my post about onsite and offsite consumer engagement is the following graph by Hitwise showing the rise and rise of social networks in Australia Key Takeway: If you are spending time and energy on SEO for your main website that is important but it is also important to create and maintain a visible and well thought out engagement strategy for social networks … [Read more...]
Time on Social Networks increase along with online ad spend
According to an article in www.Gigaom.com : U.S. web users tripled the amount of time they spent on social networks in August from the same month last year, according to Nielsen. Estimated online advertising spending on social networks more than doubled over the same period. Around 17 percent of all time spent on the web in August in the U.S. was on social networks, up from 6 percent during the same period a year ago, suggesting that sites like Twitter and Facebook have not only grown their … [Read more...]
Eye-Tracking and Social Networking Study
Recent Findings from the Oneupweb study on eyetracking on social networks shows the dominance of sponsored ads: 65% of participants engaged with sponsored ads within social networks within the first 10 seconds of their search Scan paths do not follow the order of the search. Sponsored ads were looked at before the third or fourth organic results There is not a significant difference in fixation duration between Facebook and YouTube Image below shows eye-track of Facebook indicating the … [Read more...]