This week the always interesting PSFK released The Good Brands Report of 2009
They were seeking companies that were leaders in the following areas of innovation, environmental consciousness and social policy.
The winning brands were identified as:
- Google, Apple, Zipcar, Good Magazine
- Amazon, Facebook, Virgin, Twitter
- IKEA, Skype
More interesting were the common traits of these winning brands as listed in the report:
Utility – Aim to enhance your usefulness for the consumer. In doing so, look not only at your product or service, but the eco-system that surrounds it.
Experimentation – Constant innovation is the essential element of growth. Continual- ly push the boundaries of your offering and create ancillary products.
Design – Premium aesthetics coupled with consistent delivery wins every time. A premium experience can be applied to any product or service, no matter where it sits on the price spectrum. Make your audience feel valued, encouraging them to include you as part of their identity.
Community and listening – Create a sense of community for your customers. Actively engage them and listen to what they have to say. They are the best source of guidance for improved service.
Change the model – Look at your consumers’ eco-system of needs and change your business model to suit them.
Beyond the 30 second ad – Of the top 100 largest advertising spenders in 2008, none of them made it onto this list. Instead of spending money on advertising, leverage the existing community that’s involved with your brand to promote your products and services.
Environmental priorities – Brands in the lower half of the list lose points prizing innovation over environmental responsibility. Build in sustainable practices wherever you can in your brand’s eco-system.
Download the complete Good Brands Report of 2009