In Gartner’s recent report these are some of the highlight predicted to influence the way we do business:
Digital Marketing
In “Predicts 2015: Digital Marketers Will Monetize Disruptive Forces,” we focus on the transformative power of information-based innovation and how digital marketers can leverage the creative disruption in the field of digital marketing as the “connected economy” continues to transform the nature of competition.
By 2017, a significant disruptive digital business, conceived by a computer algorithm, will be launched.
By 2017, 50% of consumer product investments will be redirected to customer experience innovations
Retail Digital Commerce
As digital commerce revenue remains relatively low through 2015, the industry will look progressively more at undertaking business transformation and innovation projects to bolster overall revenue. In “Predicts 2015: Retail Digital Commerce Stays Low, Crowdstorming Leads Innovation, In-Moment Pricing Drives Personalization, and Augmented Reality Rallies,” we uncover innovative ways through which CIOs and their leadership teams can advise and assist their business counterparts on emerging technology business models, along with innovative ways in which to achieve competitive differentiation by leveraging their information assets.
By 2017, at least eight of the world’s largest multichannel retailers will have incorporated customer collaboration “crowdstorming” platforms for innovation into their business model.
By 2017, more than 25% of all products sold by multichannel retailers will be priced “in the moment” through personalization that supports digital business strategies.
By 2017, five of the 10 largest retailers will implement augmented-reality applications in an effort to improve the customer experience.
Business Intelligence
The balance of power is shifting from IT to the business with the rise of self-service data discovery and access to multistructured data. Data preparation tools and smart capabilities will further democratize access to analytics and emphasize the need for governance. In “Predicts 2015: Power Shift in Business Intelligence and Analytics Will Fuel Disruption,” we offer critical advice and predictions to BI and analytics leaders on how to prepare their organization for this shift in balance; as well as being prepared to tackle and overcome organizational, behavioral and process-related changes required to address governance issues inherent with self-service BI.
By 2017, most business users and analysts in organizations will have access to self-service tools to prepare data for analysis.
By 2018, data discovery and data management evolution will drive most organizations to augment centralized analytic architectures with decentralized approaches.
By 2017, most business intelligence (BI) and analytics platforms will natively support multistructured data and analysis.
By 2017, most data discovery tools will have incorporated smart data discovery capabilities to expand the reach of interactive analysis.
Through 2016, less than 10% of self-service BI initiatives will be governed sufficiently to prevent inconsistencies that adversely affect the business.
Digital Business
Digital business and digitalization are acting as catalysts for driving improved customer outcomes. IT leaders should leverage our predictions in “Top 10 Strategic Predictions for 2015 and Beyond: Digital Business Is Driving ‘Big Change'” as planning assumptions on which to base their digital business strategy.
By 2018, digital business will require 50% fewer business process workers and 500% more key digital business jobs, compared with traditional models.
By 2017, a significant and disruptive digital business will be launched that was conceived by a computer algorithm.
By 2018, the total cost of ownership for business operations will be reduced by 30% through smart machines and industrialized services.
By 2020, retail businesses that use targeted messaging in combination with internal positioning systems will see a 5% increase in sales.
By YE16, more than $2 billion in online shopping will be performed exclusively by mobile digital assistants.
By 2017, nearly 20% of durable goods “e-tailers” will use 3D printing to create personalized product offerings.
Mobile, Web and Portal
As expressed in the following Predicts 2015 research documents, mobile devices and applications will continue to predominate as platforms for both capturing and consuming information. Unfortunately, user experience will still resemble more art than science over the next couple of years. The following research provides insight for CIOs, IT leaders, application leaders and mobile application development managers into what Gartner perceives as some key developments over the next few years for mobile devices and applications.
“Predicts 2015: Mobile and Wireless”
By 2018, more than 50% of users will go to a tablet or smartphone first for all online activities.
“Predicts 2015: Mobile Apps and Development”
By 2018, 25% of mobile enterprise apps will incorporate voice interaction for data presentation and capture.
By 2017, 90% of enterprise mobile apps will gather usage analytics, but less than 5% of organizations will use the data.
“Predicts 2015: The Impact of Digital Business on Web and Portal Technologies”
By YE17, the majority of enterprise applications will still be “flying blind” in terms of lacking meaningful user experience (UX)-related analytics.