Healthcare is going through transformation that may be better and cheaper healthcare
Healthcare is at a cusp
healthcare needs to ble closer to the customer it needs to be with you
We are used to a monoculture of healthcare not any more
reform is a catalyst not the cause
We have the data for the first time n healthcare need to think about chronic disease that accounts for upmto 75 percent of the cost and obesity is one of the key areas
he shows an interactive map of obesity in the US showing dominance of obesity
Five fundamental shifts in healthcare
1 Explode the business model
Normally co orifice fee for service but when you erode that things begin to change such as airflow and business structure and even physical environments they all shift including data flows All this is happening at the same time It is not easy when it’s all happening at the same time. Services now need to upgrade the cost analysis such as risk and Institutional cost need to be able to say how much did it cost to replace this hip
Look at a team and say what are they doing is it better and cheaper
in order to do this cost analysis you need to have all the data
There are now new revenue streams that overlay over the old revenue streams
Lots of strategic uncertainty now
More fiercely upstream get closer to the customer!!
Measure measure and measure
3 Put a crew on it
This needs be an integrated practice unit with range skills
Such as diabetes team might have teeth specialist and dietitian
Defined problemem set
Defined group of patients
Drive risk the scoreboard makes a team
Examp,e Alaska natives health service working together not individually with great results
Quality scores at the health service rose
Integrated practice unit can deliver better patient satisfaction
4 Swarm the customer
Pareto rule
Find the one percent or five percent and put crew on it and lower the cost
pay attention to top five percent of the users
5 Rebuild all processes
Problems healthcare encountering are lethal these orgs will not survive
Now big data use critical such as infodemiology
Population explorers
Sentinel surveillance
Need to make it seamless and easy to measure needs to be easy
healthcare is a complex adaptive system
The system gets leaner and smarter and cheaper
Book healthcare beyond reform